Friday, December 25, 2009

out of focus

I wear glasses. I've worn them for most of my life and I guess it was around 8 years old when I started. Through the years, the different frames have defined my character. From those pink tinted jobs from like 7th grade to the Burberry frames I've worn recently. I still remember when I first wore a pair. I was shocked I could see as my life had been blurry. I didn't know any better.

Well, I make life seem so tough without glasses but it was strange to "see the light" if you know what I mean. I guess all those years I didn't wear glasses allowed me to see the world in a different cast, rather blur.

As I am shooting the Sony Open again for Sony Corporate, I've been given a kit of Sony cameras and lenses and one of the lenses I requested was their 500mm F8 reflex mirror job. I've never used one and was always curious about their ability. Historically, they are not known for the quality or usability as having a starting F-stop at 8 isn't the easiest to use. However I found a whole different quality with this lens.

I actually shot this lens today at the beach and found its out of focus rendition to be if I was looking at a painting defocus. Its almost as if I was looking at the world without my glasses. It seems so comfortable and yet so real. Its hard to explain. The telescopic aspect of the lens creates this unique blur as if two images were coming into focus.

I am surely going to experiment with this lens a bit more.

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