Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Dancing Tejanos!

San Antonio Express News
West Side Section
circa 1995?

As a budding photographer I had to take many jobs I would never consider taking now but sometimes cutting teeth is more important than making a decent living. The San Antonio Express News community section hired me as one of their freelancers to shoot stuff around town their staff wouldn't touch as it was community work. You know all real photojournalist only shoot pro sports, fires, and press conferences. Never do they dip into the community section. Hence that was my opportunity to get published in a big daily. Little did I know images like this mean so much more than the said real journalism. Pride and prejudice get in the way of making good judgements and make us not realize how important photography is...not just to the hardcore element who have to sit in mud up to their necks in Africa but to the viewer who's life is so much better than they get a chance to see themselves in the pages of the city paper.

I imagine this shot is still saved somewhere in someone's scrapbook...yellowed and all. I am glad to have made that memory a good one.

1 comment:

Ros said...

It's a nice photo!