Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back on the J track, again...

Those of you who follow my blog, yes, all three of you, might think I am totally obsessed with Asians as my last posts have been very Japancentric...I am, in many ways, obsessed with Asians, tourists, that is, as I find them to be the most animated, exciting, and fun. How many tourists will you find in Hawaii acting like life is just one big anime?

hmmm.....I will explain this later.

Oh, on the picture, I was doing some work on Waikiki Beach when I spotted these two girls, probably and most likely Japanese taking pictures of themselves. One would pose and the other would jump in the air, legs and arms, and hair flopping around like...a cartoon, no a Japanese cartoon character...anime.

So I spotted these girls doing this for a few seconds when a group of tourist guys walked up to them and boldly started taking pictures of the girls taking pictures of themselves. I think they were either Chinese tourists or Koreans but I doubt they were Japanese. They were not dressed nor acted like young Japanese other words, they seemed a bit dorky. Well, I shouldn't say J guys don't act dorky...but you have to trust me on this.

After a few jumps the girls finally snapped out of their completely obsessed world and noticed these strange men taking photos. They awkwardly fumbled themselves back into reality but the Chinese/Korean (whatever) guys asked if they would jump some more so they could take pictures themselves. To my eye, it girls didn't quite know what to do but obliged, most likely due to their self absorption. One guy got down on his knees and snapped away.

Funny these moments you can find when strolling down Waikiki.


kentnish said...

hurray for jumping japanese girls. haha!

cool slice of life marco!

Ros said...

Haha.. Rich is obsessed with Asians too.